We are dedicated to staying on top of the latest chiropractic tools and treatments. It is our goal to create a friendly and professional atmosphere that you can rely on for all of your chiropractic needs.
We couldn’t be the office we are without our staff. They are always helping patients by giving them the information they need to make the right decision. Our staff will discuss all of your options and what to expect. They are here to answer your questions and address your concerns. It is their goal to give you a satisfying experience every time you walk through our doors. Quite simply, they are great at what they do!
I, Dr. James M. Weber was born and raised in Dittmer, MO on my families dairy farm. I had never been to a chiropractic office before starting chiropractic school. I knew I wanted to help people since I was young, after starting my first trimester of chiropractic school I knew I was in the right place because I could help people with my bare hands and personal knowledge.
While in my third trimester at Logan College of Chiropractic I began my intense study of Sacro Occipital Technic (SOT). SOT, unlike most chiropractic techniques is a whole body analysis which incorporates chiropractic, while blending osteopathy, craniopathy, and organ/soft tissue reflex manipulation along with it.